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Study Tips from your Student Editor

Like most people who attend Keiser University, I have a super busy schedule. In the beginning of my time as a student I often felt like I had to choose between studying and meeting my other responsibilities, which was so frustrating! After awhile, I learned to manage my time better and that helped immensely. Later, I’ll share some ways I learned to better manage my time, but this post is on study tips that I found work for me.

  1. Capitalize on the time you do have. Not exactly a study tip but I think it is very important to make sure you use all the time you do have wisely. Whether it is a few minutes before or after class or even on your class break. You can have all the study tips in the world but if you don’t have the time set aside to use them, they won’t be of any use to you.
  2. Taking Notes. We are used to hearing it repeatedly but I find it useful and here’s why: If I take notes, when I go to study all I am doing is really refreshing on something I’ve learned already or at the very least have some familiarity with.
  3. Create a study plan and set some goals. Sounds simple enough but it makes a world of difference. I found it valuable to set a plan and then try to hit some goals I set for myself. What I like to do is to set some time aside for studying and then I like to set goals for what I would like accomplish in that timeframe.
  4. Break it down. Again, it sounds simple enough but it helps me a great deal. I break down the content I need to know into bite size chunks that I can continue to build on, like how our classes are structured.

These tricks help me since I find myself having less time to study, but I still want to maintain good grades and have time for other things like the beach! Down the road, I’ll be writing another post on some specific tricks I use to learn and retain the information I need to for my classes.

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher