Finding and pursuing the best Master of Business Administration (MBA) program for your lifestyle requires some thorough consideration. In particular, as you compare MBA programs and move closer to a decision, your final analysis should weigh the difference between a full-time MBA versus part-time MBA.

Understanding Full-Time MBA Programs

To get a complete picture of the unique pros and cons associated with full-time and part-time MBA programs, let’s begin by examining the structure, duration, advantages, financial implications and personal impact of pursuing a full-time MBA.

Structure and Duration

Core curriculum elements of a full-time MBA program include business operations and strategy as well as specialized areas such as finance, marketing and human resources. Due to the comprehensive and in-depth nature of full-time MBA study, these programs are generally quite intensive, packing a concentrated amount of material into a relatively brief period of time.

Typical Duration of a Full-Time MBA

Although extremely dedicated students may graduate more quickly, completing a full-time MBA generally requires two years of rigorous study. In fact, students are generally expected to complete a full-time MBA program within two years by taking a designated number of credit hours each term.

Advantages of Full-Time MBA

The average full-time MBA program offers a highly immersive learning experience that many students appreciate. From lectures to case studies to group projects, most full-time MBA students benefit from a diverse range of education and training modalities as they pursue their degrees.

In addition, full-time MBA programs tend to offer ample hands-on learning and real-world experiences in the form of practical business simulations, project consulting and internships/externships. Students earning an MBA through full-time study also tend to enjoy a variety of career services and networking opportunities designed to help them secure rewarding employment upon graduation.

Opportunity Cost of Not Working

The expense of a full-time MBA program can be exacerbated by the need to sacrifice paid work opportunities instead of college coursework and study time. As previously stated, holding a serious job while enrolled in one of these programs can be challenging, if not impossible. Therefore, many students postpone or pause their careers while obtaining their MBAs, which can cause a precipitous loss of income during this time.

Understanding Part-Time MBA Programs

With a better grasp of the pros and cons of a full-time MBA program, read on for a similar exploration of part-time MBA programs.

Structure and Duration

Although the general format of full-time and part-time MBA programs can be quite similar, part-time programs are more flexible in terms of both scheduling and duration. However, this means the average overall duration of the part-time MBA program is significantly longer; most part-time students take between three and five years to earn their MBA.

Advantages of Part-Time MBA

The schedule flexibility of a part-time MBA program may make it the only viable choice for some people with existing work and family responsibilities. Catering specifically to working professionals, many part-time MBA programs offer night and weekend classes.

Because they allow students to progress at their own pace, these programs also promote healthy work-life balance and personal well-being. Compared to full-time MBA students, part-time MBA students can pursue their degrees with minimal stress.

Furthermore, aspiring part-time MBA students tend to face less stringent admissions requirements that may give more weight to factors like professional experience and less weight to factors like grades and testing. There are also typically fewer applicants vying for available spots in part-time MBA programs.

Ability to Work While Studying

Avoiding the financial tradeoff of a full-time MBA program can pay off considerably for those willing and able to work while studying. Beyond the obvious advantages of collecting a paycheck, working MBA students can sometimes secure employer sponsorship to pay for their studies—as covering part-time MBA tuition for an employee seeking skill expansion can benefit an organization in numerous ways.

Key Factors to Consider When Comparing MBA Programs

Before deciding between a full-time and a part-time approach, you should consider the pros and cons of pursuing an MBA on campus versus those of pursuing an MBA online. If scheduling, cost and general convenience are high priorities, you may want to exclude brick-and-mortar classroom learning options when you compare online MBA programs. Because in-person instruction comes with distinct benefits, you may also want to consider traditional and hybrid online/classroom MBA programs.

Career Goals and Aspirations

When selecting between part-time versus full-time MBA study, you should ensure that your program of choice aligns with your overall objectives regarding the kind of work you want to do as well as the compensation you expect to receive.

Industry Expectations and Preferences

If you wish to set yourself on the fast track to top leadership, you may want to gravitate toward full-time MBA programs, which tend to communicate serious intent to C-suite employers. Certain career areas (such as senior-level consulting) also tend to favor full-time MBA program graduates.

With their emphasis on graduate learning and skill acquisition, part-time MBA programs are better for professionals wanting to apply new capabilities in their ongoing careers. This makes them an excellent choice for workers who expect to move up the chain of command with their existing employers.

Financial Considerations

While the average cost of a full-time MBA program exceeds the average cost of a part-time MBA program, a significant amount of tuition variation exists within both program types. In general, full-time MBA students face bigger upfront investments and higher immediate costs, while part-time MBA students stretch their financial obligations over a longer timeframe. Although full-time MBA programs might provide more substantial scholarship opportunities, the employers of students often make contributions or even pay entirely for part-time MBA programs.

Work-Life Balance

We have already examined the work-life balance issues and opportunities presented by both full-time and part-time MBA programs. After closely assessing your ongoing responsibilities and your ability to manage them, you must weigh your capacity to work long, dedicated hours against your career aspirations and other long-term goals before you can arrive at a successful work-life balance for your studies.

Tips for Making the Decision: Full-Time MBA vs. Part-Time MBA

With the essential criteria for choosing an MBA program top of mind, you can begin your decision-making process with a focus on your practical needs and return on investment (ROI) potential. You can strive for objectivity during this process and increase your chances of making the right choice by adhering to the following guidelines.

Conducting Honest Self-Assessment

From your true career aspirations to your ability to strike a sustainable work-life balance, take a close look at yourself before embarking on your MBA journey. Otherwise, you risk making wrong turns along the way.

Researching MBA Programs

After identifying your wants and needs, you must find programs that help you meet them. This requires considerable research into factors that might include faculty reputation, student services and overall program rankings.

 Seeking Advice

A knowledgeable mentor can be an invaluable resource during the MBA program selection process. Take advantage of anyone in your personal or professional circle who can provide guidance or resources.

Current Students and Alumni as Resources

To gain a firsthand perspective, invest some effort into connecting with former and existing students of MBA programs that interest you.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are considering an MBA degree, you have likely pondered one of these FAQs:

What is the typical duration of a full-time MBA program?

While timelines of part-time MBA programs can vary significantly, the duration for the average full-time MBA program across institutions remains consistent at two years.

Can I work while pursuing a full-time MBA?

Nearly everyone can find it challenging to work, even on a part-time basis, while enrolled in a full-time MBA program. However, it is far from impossible. Your own ability to work as an MBA student will depend on numerous different factors—including the intensity of your chosen program, the intensity of your job, the effectiveness of your time management skills and the extent of your physical and mental stamina.

How do part-time MBA programs handle internships and career services?

Full-time MBA programs often have robust internship programs and career services—but this doesn’t mean that part-time MBA programs leave their students without a pathway to professional placement or advancement. Realizing that many of their students are currently employed, these programs might have few full-time internship opportunities available. However, they often offer specialized, hands-on training and professional networking initiatives that are designed to fit into students’ busy schedules.

Is employer sponsorship common for part-time MBA students?

An incredible benefit for business professionals and the companies for which they work, employer sponsorship allows countless students to pursue an MBA on a part-time basis. By limiting the financial burden on their employees, companies make further education a possibility for many who would otherwise be unable to afford it.

What are the main factors to consider when choosing between full-time and part-time MBA programs?

As detailed above, various criteria must be examined to make a successful decision regarding MBA program enrollment. While the relative importance of each factor will depend on your unique and specific wants and needs, you should take into consideration career goals, scheduling restrictions, financial matters, personal responsibilities, learning preferences and career services when choosing between full-time versus part-time MBA programs.

Still Have Questions About a Part-Time vs. Full-Time MBA?

Because different programs (including full-time MBAs versus part-time MBAs) have their own set of student requirements and expectations, it is wise to consult directly with a counselor at any college or university you are considering.

At Keiser University, we offer a standard MBA, an accelerated MBA as well as both a Spanish language MBA and Mandarin language MBA degree program. As you compare online MBA programs, contact a Keiser graduate school admissions counselor today for more information about any of our MBA offerings.