Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), also called Chiropractors and Chiropractic Physicians, care for patients of all ages, and they focus on care of the spine and other parts of the musculoskeletal system.
Chiropractors diagnose patients’ conditions the same as other doctors such as medical and osteopathic physicians, by taking a medical history and performing an examination and other tests, such as imaging and laboratory tests. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery. Instead, chiropractic treatment is called “conservative” care and consists of gentle and skilled manipulation of the joints of the body, as well as the use of other physical therapies and exercises. The vast majority of patients seeking chiropractic care do so because of back pain and neck pain.
Yes, to become licensed in any of the 50 states (or 10 Canadian provinces), you need to obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree (DC). In some parts of the world, such as Australia and New Zealand, the chiropractic qualification is a Bachelor of Chiropractic (similar to the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery still given in those countries).
Entry into chiropractic school requires a minimum of 90 credits (or three years) of undergraduate study (although typically around 70% of those entering chiropractic school already have a bachelor’s degree). Chiropractic programs are generally 40 months in length (consecutive months), or four academic years (if not consecutive). At Keiser University, the chiropractic program consists of 10 semesters (3 per year) for a total of 40 months. Internship is usually completed during the program so graduates can apply for a license to practice right after graduation.
The chiropractic program at Keiser University admits small classes allowing for a more personalized approach to instruction and learning. There are weekly case conferences throughout the course so that patients concerns and care are always at the forefront of learning. A number of cross-cutting themes such as wellness and sports medicine are embedded within the curriculum to help students integrate their studies around a clinically relevant framework. The program stresses the scientific basis of chiropractic health care as well as the integration of the chiropractic physician as a team member in the health care system.