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Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration), BS

Keiser University

This program is available in the following Florida campuses:

Fort Myers Campus, Orlando Campus, Pembroke Pines Campus, Port St. Lucie Campus, Tampa Campus, West Palm Beach Campus

Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science degree in Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration) prepares students with competencies in the collection, preservation, and analysis of physical evidence for presentation in legal proceedings. The program provides students with the skills required to recognize relevant scientific information discoverable through forensic analysis of various types of physical evidence. Oral and written communications regarding the results of investigations and forensic analysis is also emphasized.

Program Objectives

The following objectives are designed to meet Keiser University’s mission and its goals:

  • To provide students with a comprehensive background in forensic investigative procedures and techniques.
  • To instruct students in basic scientific concepts attributable to the natural and physical sciences.
  • To provide students with a comprehensive background in the current use of natural and physical sciences in the solution of crime
  • To provide students with a comprehensive background in criminal statutes, rules of criminal procedure, and rules of evidence which affect their capacity to testify effectively as expert witnesses in legal proceedings.
  • To assist graduates in obtaining entry-level positions where their forensic investigation skills can be employed.

Graduate Testimonial

Prerequisites for Major Courses

Prerequisite for entering the program:

Entering students must achieve a Wonderlic Score (or comparable) of 18 or above for entrance into the program.

  • Entering students must achieve a Wonderlic score (or comparable) of 18 or above for entrance to the program;
  • Undergo level 2 criminal background check; and
  • Personal interview with campus BS-FI Program Director.

Prerequisites for entering Lower Division Major Courses:

  • Successful completion of all lower division General Education courses with a grade of “C” or better

Prerequisites for entering Upper Division Major Courses:

  • All Lower Division courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

Graduation Requirements: (in addition to Degree Requirements section of the catalog)

  • A grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 system is required.

Program Outline

To receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration), students must earn a minimum of 126 semester credit hours as follows:

Lower Division Courses

Lower Division Forensic Investigations (Invest. Concentration) Major Courses (31.0 credit hours)
Forensic Photography 4.0 credit hours
Forensic Imaging and Processing 4.0 credit hours
Introduction to Forensic Science Technology 4.0 credit hours
Field Investigative Procedures and Presentation of Evidence 4.0 credit hours
Forensic Communication 4.0 credit hours
Forensic Legal Concepts 3.0 credit hours
Fingerprint Identification and Development 4.0 credit hours
Introduction to Biological Evidence 4.0 credit hours
Behavioral/Social Science (6.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Sociology 3.0 credit hours
Communications (3.0 credit hours)
Speech Communications 3.0 credit hours
Computers (3.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Computers 3.0 credit hours
English (6.0 credit hours)
English Composition I 3.0 credit hours
English Composition II 3.0 credit hours
Humanities/Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)
American Literature 3.0 credit hours
English Literature 3.0 credit hours
Mathematics (6.0 credit hours)
College Algebra 3.0 credit hours
Statistics 3.0 credit hours
Calculus I 4.0 credit hours
Natural Science (20.0 credit hours)
Biology I 3.0 credit hours
Biology I Laboratory 1.0 credit hour
Biology II 3.0 credit hours
Biology II Laboratory 1.0 credit hour
General Chemistry 3.0 credit hours
General Chemistry Laboratory 1.0 credit hour
Advanced Chemistry 3.0 credit hours
Advanced Chemistry Laboratory 1.0 credit hour
General Physics 3.0 credit hours
General Physics Laboratory 1.0 credit hour

Upper Division Courses

Upper Division Forensic Investigation (Invest. Concentration) Major Courses (38.0 credit hours)
Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology 4.0 credit hours
Forensic Biology 4.0 credit hours
Forensic Chemistry 4.0 credit hours
Advanced Topics in Forensic Science 4.0 credit hours
Medico-Legal Death Investigation 4.0 credit hours
Advanced Evidence Documentation 4.0 credit hours
Criminalistics I 4.0 credit hours
Criminalistics II 4.0 credit hours
Advanced Legal Procedure and Evidence 3.0 credit hours
Advanced Evidence Presentation 3.0 credit hours
Upper Division Optional Courses (6.0 credit hours)
Deviant Behavior 3.0 credit hours
Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours
Conflict Resolution 3.0 credit hours
Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours
Computer Systems Forensic Analysis 3.0 credit hours
Forensic Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Forensic Investigations Externships or Optional Courses (4.0 credit hours)
Forensic Investigations Externship I
Forensic Investigations Externship II
Forensic Investigations Capstone Course I **
Forensic Investigations Capstone Course II **

** Forensic Investigations Capstone option is available on approval and recommendation of the campus Forensic Investigations Program Director. To obtain 4 credits hours, a student may take CJE4940 and CJE4951 or CJE4950 & CJE4951 or any combination thereof.

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Justin Pugh

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Ryan Bushey