Craig, Bowe
Educational Background:(Credentials, degrees or colleges attended)
- BA Chemistry, Huntingdon College
- PhD Organic Chemistry, University of South Florida
Professional Experience:
Dr. Craig Bowe received a doctorate from the University of South Florida in Organic Chemistry. Dr. Bowe’s research interests include the areas of environmental science, chemistry and public health to address questions ranging from heavy metals to the detection of trace levels of persistent chemicals including pharmaceuticals from the environment. Dr. Bowe currently serves as chemistry faculty for the Biomedical Sciences program at Keiser University Flagship. Dr. Bowe’s teaching experience includes courses in environmental engineering and chemistry. Dr. Bowe is a member of the Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) for the American Chemical Society (ACS), as well as various committees for the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, SETAC. Dr. Bowe is a certified reviewer and a junior co-author on a United States patent. Dr. Bowe is a member of Sigma Xi, the American Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry and SETAC.
Any special research related projects or areas of particular interest:
Research Interests:
- Environmental Pollution
- Water Quality/Water Treatment
- Chemical Safety
- Green Chemistry Education
The principal research areas fall into interrelated areas of environmental, analytical, safety and water sciences. We are particularly interested in water pollution, the detection of trace levels of persistent chemicals including pharmaceuticals from the environment, chemical safety and green chemistry methods. Our recent interests are connected to public safety, rural water issues and ambient air pollution.
Expertise related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
- Goal 4: Quality Education
- Goal 5: Gender Equality
- Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Goal 14: Life Below Water
For further information and selected publications please visit:
- Pharmaceuticals In The Environment: An Introduction to the ET&C Special Issue. Williams et. al. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 763–766. (2016)
- Martin, D.F.; and Bowe, C.A. (2007). Extraction of metals by mercaptans attached to silica gel by azeotropic distillation. United States Patent, 7,193,114B1.
- Bowe, C.A.; and D.F. Martin (2004). Extraction of Heavy Metals Using 2- Mercaptoethanol Attached To Silica Gel. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part A. Vol A39, No. 6, 1479-1485.
- Smith, D.P., McKenzie, M.E., Bowe, C.A. and D.F. Martin (2003) Uptake of Phosphate and Nitrate Using Laboratory Cultures of Lemna Minor L. Florida Scientist, 67 (2) 105-117. Use of aquatic immergent species in the uptake of source pollutants nitrate and phosphate and other industrial effluent substances.
- Bowe, C.A.; Krikorian, N.; and D.F. Martin (2003). Heavy Metal Removal Using Modified Montmorillonite KSF. Florida Scientist, 67 (1) 74-79. Use of clay material in the effective uptake of inorganic source pollutants such as lead and cadmium metal ions from aquatic source.
- Bowe, C.A.; Benson, R.F., Poore, D.D.; and Martin, D.F. (2003) Extraction of Heavy Metal by Amines Adsorbed Onto Silica Gel. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. Vol A38, No. 11, 2653-2660, 2003.
- Bowe, C.A.; Benson, R.F. and Martin, D.F. (2002) Metal Ion removal Using Mercaptans Supported on Silica Gel by a Corkscrew Mechanism. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A. Vol. A37, No. 8, 1391–1398, 2002.
- Springer,G., Elam,C., Edwards, A., Bowe, C., Boyles, D., Bartmess, J., Chandler, M., West, K., Williams, J., Green, J., Pagni,R.M. and Kabalka, G.W. (1999) Chemical and Spectroscopic Studies Related to the Lewis Acidity of Lithium Perchlorate in Diethyl Ether. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 64(7) 2202- 2210 1995 Use of Analytical methods specifically FTIR in order to discern the interaction of metal ions and the perchlorate organic species of compounds.