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Graduate School

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Keiser University Graduate School’s faculty and staff are dedicated to your success and are here to support you throughout your journey.

Is Keiser University accredited?

Keiser University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools. This is referred to as Institutional Accreditation. Keiser is accredited to award certificates and degrees at the associate, baccalaureate, masters, specialist and doctoral levels (

Are your programs accredited?

Some of Keiser’s programs hold individual programmatic accreditation. Please see the graduate school catalog for accreditation by program (

Where is the best location for me to find information about Keiser Graduate School Policies and Procedures?

Information related to Keiser University Graduate School Policies and Procedures can be found in our Graduate School catalog.

How many credits can I transfer?

Master’s degree seeking students may transfer up to 12 graduate level credits (Master’s and Doctoral credits) with an evaluation and approval by the program

Doctorate degree seeking students may transfer up to 18 graduate level credits (Master’s and Doctoral credits) with an evaluation and approval by the program

Undergraduate credits are not transferable to graduate level programs

Please refer to our Graduate School transfer of credit policy for more information

Do I need to take prerequisite courses?

Prerequisite course needs are determined contingent on the program of interest and an evaluation by the program coordinator to determine if the student meets all the requirements to begin taking graduate level courses or if the student needs courses that were not taken at the undergraduate or master’s level that are foundational to success in a particular program.

Prerequisite Examples (see your program or speak with a counselor to determine if prerequisites are required for your program of interest).

MBA majors need a prerequisite evaluation of their undergraduate program especially if it is a program other than a business degree to determine if the student has the foundational courses to be successful in the MBA. Those granted a prerequisite waiver do not need to take prerequisite courses. Those who need the prerequisites will take MBA 500 and MBA 501 as part of the 36 credit MBA program or the 45 credit MBA with concentration program/s.

DBA majors would need a prerequisite evaluation of their master’s and/or bachelor’s coursework especially if it is a program other than a business degree to determine if the student has the foundational courses to be successful in the DBA.

Graduate Prerequisite courses are 8 weeks in length except for the Master of Accountancy program. Master of Accountancy prerequisite courses are courses are 4 weeks in length. Specialty program exceptions may apply.

What are the admission requirements for my program?

Admission requirements vary by program of study. Please refer to the Graduate Admission Requirements on our website.

Can I attend Full-time or Part-time?

Keiser University graduate students may attend full or part-time contingent on the availability of courses and their overall preparedness for graduate level coursework. Full-time may be approved if the student meets the minimum admission entry requirements. Part-time is to be assumed if the minimum entry requirements are not met and then this would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Full or part-time contingent

Do you have accelerated programs to help me finish my degree sooner?

Freshman can apply for accelerated program options as a New Student by completing the undergraduate admission process, selecting an Accelerated Program, and completing the Accelerated program transition form to show “intent” for continuation to graduate school upon meeting 60+ credit hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Matriculation to graduate school is contingent on meeting the minimum requirements and a conferred undergraduate degree.

Transfer students or current students can complete the Accelerated Graduate Transition form to show “intent” to continue to graduate school upon meeting 60+ credit hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Matriculation to graduate school is contingent on meeting the minimum requirements and a conferred undergraduate degree.

All admission into an accelerated program is contingent on completing the admission process and garnering the appropriate approvals via graduate admission and academics.

Is there an application fee, reentry fee to apply to Keiser University Graduate School?

Keiser University charges a $55 application fee to new applicants. Keiser University charges a $150 reentry fee to those wishing to apply for readmission.

Is there a registration fee?

Keiser University charges a $145 registration fee for online graduate students that can be deferred to the financial aid funding plan as part of the first semester tuition and fee schedule.

Do you offer grants, scholarships or other forms of gift aid to assist with financing my education?

Grants are not available to any graduate student regardless of school chosen. Once an undergraduate degree is conferred, students are no longer eligible for grants.

Scholarships are available to those who qualify. Keiser has scholarship options for eligible military, teachers, first responders/emergency management professionals, previous graduates and other areas. Simply ask your FAO for more information during the financial aid process.

When do Graduate School Classes begin?

Graduate classes begin every 8 Weeks in August, October, January, March, May and July annually for non-specialty programs. Graduate classes begin every 8 Weeks in August, January and May for specialty programs. For a more detailed list of class offerings, please speak to your admission counselor.

I am a Nutrition applicant applying through DICAS. How do I pay the application fee and registration fee?

Nutrition and Dietetics DICAS requires that all students complete their application through the common application matching system. There is an initial DICAS fee and then a corresponding fee for each additional school selected through DICAS. There is also a $55 application fee through Keiser University.

Are your Psychology programs accredited and are they clinical in nature?

Our psychology programs are not APA accredited and they do not provide curriculum for Clinical Psychology instruction.

APA accreditation does not apply to non-clinical programs. Both our Gen Psych and IO Psych programs are aimed at research. There are no clinical courses or opportunities for patient contact. This accreditation oversees quality and clinical practice to protect the consumers (i.e., patients) from potential harm due to poor clinical practice. Keiser University psychology programs emphasize Research and Teaching versus practitioner-based clinical components.

Our psychology programs focus on the study of human behavior, clinical psychology programs focus on practices and application for treatment.

Can I do a work-study or a graduate assistantship?

Work study is not available at the graduate level. And we do not currently offer graduate assistantship opportunities for online graduate school students. Graduate assistantships currently are only available on a limited basis at our West Palm Beach Flagship Campus.

Why choose Master of Accountancy over MBA Accounting or vice versa

Master of Accountancy is recommended for those students seeking to prepare and sit for CPA licensure.

MBA Accounting is recommended for those who aspire to acquire their MBA with general coursework in accounting.

Both options will require a prerequisite evaluation to ensure both MBA and Accounting prerequisite courses have been satisfied at the undergraduate or graduate levels.

Does Keiser University Graduate School provide career placement assistance?

We do not guarantee placement or employment upon Graduation.

Students can be assisted through our Student Services/Career Services Office. We can assist students through our career services office with things such as resume development, interviewing tips and technique, job/career leads, and other professional support services that may augment employability.

Do we offer internships?

Not all Keiser University Graduate Programs require an internship. Those programs that do offer/require an internship, students will receive support from the academic advisor/chair/department in acquiring an internship and meeting the expectations of said internship.

When do Doctoral students typically start working on their dissertation?

This can vary by program; however, most begin after completing the first residency, comprehensive exam and/or all coursework.

When are residencies normally scheduled?

All doctoral programs have one to two residencies scheduled in the summer. DCJ has only one residency that is scheduled the first summer of the program.

Residencies are held at our Flagship campus with the exception of our Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. These residencies are held at our Fort Lauderdale campus. More information on residency dates and times will be provided by the program/department chairs.

Do DNP students need a preceptor for the indirect clinical project?

No, DNP students only need the following to complete the Clinical Project. Project support team to include Employer Supervisor/Mentor + Faculty Mentor KU + Student.

Project Requirements:
-   Topic and mentor must be approved by the Nursing Chair;
-   The project topic must help to enhance the knowledge and education of the student to validate conferral of doctorate;
-   The project must improve the organization as a whole;
-   The project must impact the student in a positive way.

FNP students use Preceptors not DNP students. The Project is complete once the above three requirements are met plus the achievement of the hour requirements.

What is the difference between MSN and MSN FNP

MSN is a 33 credit program with 18 months of Didactive, No Clinical and an Applied Capstone.

FNP has you take the same 8 courses/24 credits as the MSN in Year 1 for Didactic and the Clinical Rotation in Year 2. After graduation, you sit for licensure as an Advanced Practice Clinical Nurse Specialist.

What are the current MSN/FNP/DNP state restrictions?

Nevada, DC, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, N. Dakota, Oregon, Washington.

We can accept students from NY but they can not do their clinicals in NY. Must do it with a bordering state like CN, NJ, PA.

It is always in the student’s best interest to confirm with their State Nursing Board acceptance of KUs nursing curriculum.

How long do I have to complete my PhD/Doctorate?

Currently the time to completion for a doctorate at Keiser University is a maximum of 8-years; however, exceptions can be discussed and reviewed with academics to render a decision.

How many residencies must I complete to finish my doctoral program?

Most doctoral programs at Keiser University require 1-2, on campus residencies to fulfill the program requirements for graduation. Please speak to your academic advisor and/or the appropriate academic department for additional insights on the specific residency requirements for your program of choice.

Can the graduate school residency be completed virtually?

Residences are to be completed in person. In general, residency participation and location are up to the discretion of the department and program with guidance from the Vice Chancellor of the Graduate School.

Can I jump in and out of terms as needed?

While there are options to jump in and out of terms, it is not recommended. Doing so can make it difficult to get the courses you need in the sequence you need them to graduate timely. So, if time to completion is important, this is a factor one must consider when doing so. This could also impact financial aid and academic progress. Therefore, before doing so, speak to your FAO first.

Academic advisement needs to be factored into any decision. Therefore, students should also speak with their academic adviser and/or the Dean of the Graduate School before making any final decisions.

How many people sit on the dissertation panel?

Generally, there is a dissertation chair and 2 other committee members. There is a total of 3 faculty that support the student in their dissertation study.

Whom should I ask for help?

Post a note in the Ask Questions of your current class. Contact your classroom instructor with questions about your subject area course. You will find the contact information in your live classroom under the Meet the Instructor tab. For technical blackboard-related difficulties, call 855-412-3717. Contact your Academic Dean or Department Chair for questions about your program or academic policies. You can reach us at 954-351-4035 or email: [email protected].

What is the Orientation course?

-   The Orientation course is not graded and does not require a textbook.
-   The Orientation course introduces you to online learning and helps you learn how to navigate the Blackboard platform. It does have a series of steps you are encouraged to complete.
-   Keiser live sessions are available for face-to-face Orientations.

Can I use my MAC computer?

Blackboard is Mac compatible; occasionally, you may experience minor difficulties. Contact the Help Desk if you are having problems. (855-412-3717)

How do I access the student portal and my class schedule?

-   FIRST time users must go to the following URL Link:
-   Username: [email protected], Password: Student ID After you log in for the first time, you will need to set up the verification process. The email sign-in is now a single sign on for the office 365, Blackboard, and student portal. When you change the office 365 password, it will change the password for the other two resources as well.

Note: The student portal cannot be accessed with the Firefox browser Your student portal is your lifeline for important information such as your class schedule, grades, payments, and account balances. You should login here on a regular basis. To access the portal enter here:

How and when do I order my books?

-   Go to the Student Portal to find your course and class schedule (see video below for help).
-   Note your course prefix and your course code. For example, if you were in MAN542, your course prefix would be MAN and your course code would be 542.
-   Proceed to the Bookstore and follow instructions on how to locate and purchase the book.


* Please order your books here: KEISER UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE.

How do I make a payment to Keiser University Graduate School?

You can make a payment online at

How do I use the Keiser Library?

Keiser University Library:

The library orientation video is on the Library main page via the LIBRARY ORIENTATION VIDEO icon: View all the library orientation videos here.

How do I access my Keiser University Email?

Keiser Email Account Be sure to practice and use your Keiser University email as this is the only way the Instructor communicates with you via email. Instructors do not use personal email accounts. To access your Keiser University email go to the following URL:

Username: [email protected], Password: Student ID After you log in for the first time, you will need to set up the verification process. The email sign in is now a single sign on for the office 365, Blackboard, and student portal. When you change the office 365 password, it will change the password for the other two resources as well.

What are the general course discussion requirements?

For specific expectations for each course, please refer to the course syllabi. In general, students are expected to log into classes by Wednesday of each week and no fewer than three separate days during the class week to post a minimum of three times in response to other discussion posts. Substantive refers to a quality response with academic content and not just opinionated responses. All responses require APA 7th edition formatting.

What is considered an active student?

A student is considered active in an online class when he/she logs in no later than the first Wednesday of the first week of class, completes the initial introduction post and begins interacting in the course discussion environment.

How to Apply

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Admission Requirements

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Admissions Checklist

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International Students

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Transfer Credits

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Keiser Benefits

We understand that today's students have many responsibilities and obligations in their lives. At Keiser, we deliver the same quality education through different scheduling options to accommodate busy schedules. Whether you choose day, evening, or online classes, chances are, you will find a schedule that fits yours and allows you to fulfill one of the most important commitments you can make – a commitment to your education.

Flexibility and Convenience

When you enroll in Keiser University's programs, you can pursue your educational goals anytime and anywhere you have internet access.

One Class
at a Time

You have the option of taking just one or two classes at a time, allowing you to concentrate on learning while balancing your education with work, family and other responsibilities. With our “students first” focus and small classes, you'll receive personal attention from your instructors.


Keiser University's dedicated, accomplished faculty members are committed to your success. Our graduate faculty are prepared at the doctoral level and are actively engaged in the fields they teach. You’ll benefit from their wealth of knowledge and real-world experience.”

Dedicated Financial Aid Support

We are here to help guide YOU through the financial aid process to determine what type of aid you may qualify to receive to support your educational endeavors.


Keiser University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees. Keiser University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Keiser University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (

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By clicking the "Submit" button, I authorize Keiser University to make or allow the placement of recurring marketing calls, emails, and texts to me at the phone number that I have provided, including through the use of automated technology or a prerecorded or artificial voice. I understand that I am not required to provide my phone number as a condition of purchasing any property, goods, or services. Privacy Policy