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Nuclear Medicine Technology, AS (NMT)

Keiser University

This program is available in the following Florida campuses:

Lakeland Campus

Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology instructs students in the use of radioactive material to visualize diagnose and treat pathology through proper utilization of specialized equipment and techniques.

The program provides entry-level lectures in positron imaging tomography (PET) and computerized axial tomography (CT).  Graduates are eligible to sit for certification examinations given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT-N) and the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB).

Nuclear Medicine Technology Video

Program Goals

  • Graduates will be able to perform entry-level nuclear medicine technology tasks
  • Graduates will demonstrate the ability to act in a professional and ethical manner as an entry-level nuclear medicine technologist
  • Graduates will be eligible to sit for and pass a national credentialing examination


The Mission​ of ​the ​Keiser ​University ​Nuclear​ Medicine​ Associate ​of ​Science ​degree​ program​ is ​to ​prepare ​competent ​graduates ​for ​a ​rewarding​ career ​as ​a ​nuclear ​medicine ​technologist. ​The ​program ​emphasizes ​the ​professional ​and ​technical ​skills ​necessary ​in ​the​performance​ of ​nuclear ​medicine ​procedures; ​while ​instilling ​a ​commitment ​to ​life-long ​learning. ​The ​program ​facilitates ​the ​learning​opportunities​ essential​ to ​the ​development ​of ​a ​skilled ​and ​empathetic ​imaging ​professional ​in ​a ​collaborative, ​team-centered​ health​care​  environment.​ The ​program’s ​graduates ​are ​eligible ​to ​take ​national ​certification ​examinations ​administered ​by ​the ​Nuclear ​Medicine ​Technology​ Certification ​Board ​and ​the ​American ​Registry ​of ​Radiologic ​Technologists.

Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  • Students will develop verbal and written communication skills to effectively interact within a healthcare setting
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of ALARA practices and regulatory practices relevant to all aspects of radiation safety in Nuclear Medicine Technology
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of professional ethical practices and appropriate patient care in a team centered healthcare setting
  • Students will demonstrate proficiency in related math and physics content
  • Students will demonstrate successful performance in nuclear medicine procedures

Prerequisites for Major Courses

  • Background check and drug screening when applicable;
  • Successful completion of general education courses with a grade of “C” or better in each course.  Successful completion of the following prerequisite courses: BSC2085C, BSC2086C, PHY2001, MAC2105 and CHEM2045/L;
  • Cumulative grade average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.

Program Outline

To receive an Associate of Science degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology, students must earn a total of 93.0 credit hours. Each course in Nuclear Medicine Technology is a prerequisite for the subsequent course and must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher to proceed successfully through the program.

Program requirements are as follows:

Lower Division Courses

Nuclear Medicine Technology Major Courses (63.0 credit hours)
Nuclear Medicine Seminar 5.0 credit hours
Radiation Safety and Health Physics 5.0 credit hours
Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation 5.0 credit hours
Nuclear Medicine Methodology I 5.0 credit hours
Nuclear Medicine Physics 5.0 credit hours
Nuclear Medicine Methodology II 5.0 credit hours
PET/CT Procedures and Radiopharmacy 5.0 credit hours
Methodology III 5.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation I 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation II 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation III 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation IV 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation V 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation VI 3.0 credit hours
Nuclear Medicine Capstone Course 5.0 credit hours
Behavioral/Social Science (3.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Communications (3.0 credit hours)
Speech Communication 3.0 credit hours
English (3.0 Credit Hours)
English Composition I 3.0 credit hours
English Composition II 3.0 credit hours
Humanities/Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)
American Literature 3.0 credit hours
English Literature 3.0 credit hours
Mathematics (3.0 credit hours)
College Algebra 3.0 credit hours
Natural Science (15.0 credit hours)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4.0 credit hours
Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4.0 credit hours
General Chemistry 3.0 credit hours
General Chemistry Lab 1.0 credit hour
General Physics 3.0 credit hours

Note: Each course in the Nuclear Medicine Technology major is a prerequisite for the subsequent course and therefore must be passed with a minimum "C" grade in order to proceed successfully through the program.

Program Outcomes

Published Outcomes

Graduate achievement data is an indicator of program effectiveness, demonstrating the extent to which a program achieves its goals.  The current report on graduate achievement data, identified by program, is available on the JRCNMT website by clicking on the following link: Graduate Outcomes Report.

State Licensure Disclosure

Clinical Affiliates

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Justin Pugh

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Ryan Bushey