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Physical Therapist Assistant, AS (PTA)

Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant prepares students for employment as a skilled licensed health care worker under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist. A Physical Therapist Assistant assists in the management of conditions such as arthritis, amputation, fractures, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, wounds, developmental delays, cerebral palsy, cardiac and pulmonary pathology, sport injuries, work injuries and other types of injuries and/or pathologies.

The accreditation status of the Physical Therapist Assistant program is published on the Accreditation page of the University website. This information is also published in the University Catalog.

Physical Therapist Assistant, AS (PTA)

Program Mission

The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Keiser University offers an Associate of Science Degree that is designed to prepare a diverse student body to become effective, knowledgeable, safe, and competent entry-level Physical Therapist Assistants who will practice under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist.

Program Goals and Student Learning Objectives

The following Goals and Student Learning Outcomes are designed to meet Keiser University’s Physical Therapist Assistant program mission and its objectives.  Graduates of the program are prepared to enter the workforce as entry-level Physical Therapist Assistants and by the completion of the program:

Program Goal 1
Communicate and collaborate within the healthcare environment with physical therapy practitioners and other members of the healthcare community.

Student learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to develop communication strategies for effective patient care.
  • Students will be able to collaborate effectively with members of the healthcare team and the community, enhancing their ability to provide comprehensive physical therapy care and support.

Program Goal 2
Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes reflective of an entry level Physical Therapist Assistant.

Student learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to interpret and implement the components of the plan of care developed by the Physical Therapists in order to competently & safely perform the skills of an entry-level Physical Therapist Assistant.

Program Goal 3
Exhibit professional and ethical behaviors consistent with the scope of practice of a PTA.

Student learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to analyze clinical situations and respond in adherence to professional, legal, and ethical standards.
  • Students will be able to monitor and implement changes in physical therapy practice based on evidence-based practice and research.

Program Goal 4
Explore contemporary practice to develop commitment to lifelong learning.

Student learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to actively participate in and share information from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and related professional organizations to promote engagement in professional opportunities while staying current in the field of physical therapy.

Program Goal 5
PTA Program faculty will offer a diverse range of impactful didactic and clinical learning opportunities for students.

Program Goal 6
PTA Program Faculty will actively participate in professional development and community service to address the evolving needs of both the program and the University.

Prerequisites for Major Courses

  • Background​ check​ and​ drug ​screening​ when​ applicable
  • Completion of prerequisites BSC2085C, BSC2086C, and BSC2084 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Human Anatomy and Physiology II, and Human Functional Anatomy with a minimum of a “B” in each course. Completion​ of​general​ education coursework​with ​a​ minimum ​grade ​of ​“C”​ for ​each​ course​ and​ cumulative​ grade​ average ​of ​3.0​ on​ a​ 4.0​scale
  • Complete ​a​ minimum​ of​ 10​ hours​ of ​physical ​therapy ​observation ​or ​work ​experience ​during the last ​12 months before ​entering core. ​The​ 10​ hours observation must​ consist ​of ​5 ​hours ​in ​a ​Physical ​Therapy ​Inpatient ​Facility ​(Skilled​ Nursing ​Facility, ​Acute ​Care​ Hospital, ​Long-Term ​Acute ​Care​ Facility, ​or ​Inpatient ​Rehabilitation ​Hospital) ​and ​5 ​hours in ​a ​Physical ​Therapy ​Outpatient ​Clinic​ within ​1 ​year ​of ​beginning​ the​ PTA ​core.
  • Meet with PTA Program Director a minimum of one (1) month prior to starting the technical phase of the program.

Program Outline

To receive an Associate of Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant, students must earn 74.0 credit hours. Program requirements are as follows.

Each course in the PTA major is a prerequisite for the subsequent course and therefore must be passed with a minimum “C” grade in order to proceed successfully through the program.

Lower Division Courses

Physical Therapist Assistant Major Courses (48.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Physical Therapist Assistant 5.0 credit hours
Kinesiology 4.0 credit hours
Functional Modalities 4.0 credit hours
Therapeutic Exercise I 4.0 credit hours
Therapeutic Exercise II 2.0 credit hours
Patient Care Procedures 4.0 credit hours
Tests and Measurements 4.0 credit hours
Pathophysiology 5.0 credit hours
Rehabilitation 4.0 credit hours
Clinical Experience I 5.0 credit hours
Clinical Experience II 7.0 credit hours
Behavioral Science (3.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Computers (3.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Computers 3.0 credit hours
English (3.0 Credit Hours)
English Composition I 3.0 credit hours
English Composition II 3.0 credit hours
Humanities/Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)
American Literature 3.0 credit hours
English Literature 3.0 credit hours
Mathematics (3.0 credit hours)
Intermediate Algebra 3.0 credit hours
Natural Science (11.0 credit hours)
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4.0 credit hours
Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4.0 credit hours
Human Functional Anatomy 3.0 credit hours

Estimated Student Costs

Estimated Student Cost for Physical Therapist Assistant Program Major
Tuition for PTA Program Major $35,784 total tuition for the PTA major ($11,928 per semester)
University Registration Fee $145
University Application Fee $55
Education Fee $2,940 ($980 per semester)
Required Textbooks $6,000 ($2,000 per semester)
Student Materials and Equipment Cost $100
Required Resources Cost:
– APTA Membership
– PEAT Exam
Background Check, Physical, and Pre-Clinical Costs $750
On-Site Review Course $350
Examination and Licensure Fees $862.50
Transcript Fee $5
Total Estimated Cost $47,182.50
Other Fees
Withdrawal Fee (if applicable) ($100)
Re-Entry Fee (if applicable) ($150)

Required and Optional Fees for Programs (Published in the University Catalogue)

  • Background Check $60 or as required by the applicable agency.
  • AHCA Level II Background $88- $95 *(Fee varies by campus)
  • CPR $15.95-$35.00 *(Fee varies by required services and service provider)
  • HIPAA $15.95-$35.00 *(Fee varies by required services and service provider)
  • BBP/OSHA $15.95-$35.00 *(Fee varies by required services and service provider)
  • Medical Errors Training $15.95-$35.00 *(Fee varies by required services and service provider)
  • Drug screen $30-$46 *(Fee varies by required services and service provider)
  • Physical Examination $50-$200 *(Fee varies based on local provider)
  • Immunizations $50-$150 *(Fees vary by campus and may be dependent on titer demonstration of immunity; required services at medical facilities, and the service provider)
    Clinical Compliance Tracking $100-$195 *(Fees vary by campus and required services at medical facilities, and the service provider)
  • APTA membership fee $92
  • PEAT for PTA $79-$99 (NPTE Practice Exam)
  • NPTE Preparatory Courses: $350 *(Fee varies by campus and by service provider)
  • Florida Board of Physical Therapy Application Fee $180
  • NPTE Licensing Examination Registration and Processing Fees $493
  • Prometric Testing Center Fee for NPTE $92
  • Florida Jurisprudence Exam Registration and Processing Fees $65
  • Prometric Testing Center Fee for Jurisprudence Exam $32.50

*(Fees vary by campus and may be dependent on titer demonstration of immunity; required services at medical facilities, and the service provider)

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PTA Program Outcomes

The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) requires public disclosure of the Physical Therapist Assistant program outcomes, including graduation rate, licensure examination pass rate, and employment rate. This information may be viewed by clicking here.

State Licensure Disclosure

PTA Graduate Video

Keiser University Graduate, Lyndsey Cross, discusses how her degree in Physical Therapy from Keiser University helped change her life!

Keiser University Graduate Lyndsey Cross

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Justin Pugh

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Ryan Bushey