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Keiser Graduate School

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Psychology, BA (Psych)

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology offers a diverse curriculum that provides a broad-based education in many facets of behavior, mental processes, communication, research, and writing. Courses include forensics, sports and positive psychology, as well as the traditional courses needed to prepare students for graduate studies. Students may select from six tracks/concentrations within the major (Human Services, Developmental Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis, Health Care/Fitness, Business and General Psychology—concentrations may vary by campus).

Program Objectives

Upon completion of this program, students are able to:

  • Apply the scientific method to psychological research;
  • Identify what constitutes ethical treatment of human and animal subjects in research;
  • Develop and understanding of APA format and writing in the field of psychology;
  • Develop an understanding of how statistical tests are commonly used in psychological research;
  • Analyze human behavior and mental processes;
  • Explain theories of development throughout the lifespan;
  • Evaluate theories of personality;
  • Understand applied psychological approaches for health, marriage and family, sports, and industrial psychology;
  • Explain basic concepts of clinical and counseling psychology;
  • Explain processes of learning and cognition.

Prerequisites for Major Courses

  • Introduction to Psychology;
  • Statistics.

Psychology Graduate Video

Allison Pounds | Keiser University Sarasota Valedictorian

Program Outline

To receive a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, students must earn a total of 120.0 credit hours. Program requirements are as follows:

Lower Division Courses

Lower Division Psychology Courses (18.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Introduction to Experimental Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Careers and Writing in Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Social Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Abnormal Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Psychology of Personality 3.0 credit hours
Behavioral/Social Science (6.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Introduction to Sociology 3.0 credit hours
American History Pre 1876 3.0 credit hours
American History Since 1876 3.0 credit hours
Lifespan Development 3.0 credit hours
Political Science 3.0 credit hours
Communications (3.0 credit hours)
Speech Communications 3.0 credit hours
Computers (3.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Computers 3.0 credit hours
Economics (3.0 credit hours)
Microeconomics 3.0 credit hours
Macroeconomics 3.0 credit hours
English (6.0 credit hours)
English Composition I 3.0 credit hours
English Composition II 3.0 credit hours
Humanities/Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)
American Literature
English Literature
Contemporary World Literature
Mathematics (6.0 credit hours)
College Algebra 3.0 credit hours
College Mathematics 3.0 credit hours
Applications of Mathematics 3.0 credit hours
Statistics (required) 3.0 credit hours
Natural Science (6.0 credit hours)
General Biology 3.0 credit hours
Advanced Biology 3.0 credit hours
Environmental Science 3.0 credit hours
General Chemistry 3.0 credit hours
Advanced Chemistry 3.0 credit hours
Anatomy & Physiology I 3.0 credit hours
Anatomy & Physiology II 3.0 credit hours
Microbiology 3.0 credit hours

Upper Division Courses

Upper Division Psychology Courses (12.0 credit hours)
Concepts of Clinical and Counseling Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Research Methods 3.0 credit hours
Child Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Health Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Upper Division General Education Courses (12.0 credit hours)
Critical Thinking 3.0 credit hours
Workforce Diversity 3.0 credit hours
Interpersonal Communication 3.0 credit hours
Intermediate Statistics 3.0 credit hours


Human Services Concentration (21.0 credit hours)
Marriage and Family 3.0 credit hours
Forensic Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Theory, Application and Evaluation of Tests** 3.0 credit hours
Constructs of Interpersonal Conflict 3.0 credit hours
Death and Dying** 3.0 credit hours
Psychology Internship I** 3.0 credit hours
Psychology Internship II** 3.0 credit hours
Developmental Psychology Concentration (21.0 credit hours)
Human Exceptionality 3.0 credit hours
Adolescent Psychology** 3.0 credit hours
Psychology of Adult Development and Aging** 3.0 credit hours
Principles of Learning 3.0 credit hours
Sport Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Positive Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Psychological Studies Capstone Course 3.0 credit hours
Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration (21 credits)
**In addition to the courses below students must complete 21 elective credits. Electives for this concentration are denoted with two asterisks.
Foundations of Behavior Analysis 3.0 credit hours
Human Exceptionality 3.0 credit hours
Behavior Assessment 3.0 credit hours
Methods of Behavior Analysis 3.0 credit hours
Ethics of Behavior Analysis 3.0 credit hours
Treatment Selection and Implementation 3.0 credit hours
Organizational Behavior Management 3.0 credit hours
Healthcare and Fitness Concentration (21.0 credit hours)
Addictive Behaviors 3.0 credit hours
Behavioral Neuroscience** 3.0 credit hours
Sport Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Coaching and Team Building 3.0 credit hours
Positive Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Psychology Internship I 3.0 credit hours
Psychology Internship II 3.0 credit hours
Business Concentration (21.0 credit hours)
Constructs of Interpersonal Conflict 3.0 credit hours
Leadership 3.0 credit hours
Performance Management 3.0 credit hours
Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Positive Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Sociology of the Urban Community 3.0 credit hours
Psychological Studies Capstone Course 3.0 credit hours
General Psychology Concentration (21 credits)
Recommended courses-student may substitute others with Dean's approval.
Marriage and Family 3.0 credit hours
Addictive Behaviors 3.0 credit hours
Death and Dying 3.0 credit hours
Constructs of Interpersonal Conflict 3.0 credit hours
Sport Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Positive Psychology 3.0 credit hours
Psychological Studies Capstone Course 3.0 credit hours
Elective Courses (21 credits)

Note: All lower division major and general education courses should be successfully completed before upper division courses are undertaken.

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Justin Pugh

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Ryan Bushey