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Radiologic Technology, AS

Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Radiologic Technology prepares students for entry-level positions in the profession, producing radiographic images in accordance with standardized practices and procedures.  The program provides radiologic information including medical terminology, patient care, radiographic procedures, radiation protection, equipment operations and image production and evaluation. The program’s graduates are eligible to take the national certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and are eligible to be licensed by the State of Florida to practice Radiologic Technology.

Mission Statement

Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree program in Radiologic Technology provides both an educational and clinical foundation to produce competent graduates for entry-level positions in radiologic technology and instill the values and concepts of life-long learning in its graduates. Through community clinical partnerships, graduates integrate clinical competence, radiation safety, professional and ethical behavior and communication skills in keeping with the radiologic technologist’s scope of practice.

KU Radiologic Technology Student & Graduate Testimonials

Program Objectives

The following goals are designed to meet Keiser University’s mission and goals. Radiologic Technology’s mission is further defined by the following goals and associated student learning outcomes:

Goals Student Learning Outcomes
Students will communicate effectively:
  • Students will demonstrate entry-level communication skills with patients.
  • Students will demonstrate entry-level communication skills with members of the healthcare team.
Students will apply critical thinking skills:
  • Students will perform non-routine procedures.
  • Students will competently perform image evaluation and analysis.
Students will demonstrate clinical competency:
  • Students will demonstrate radiation safety considerations.
  • Students will achieve competency for entry-level practices.
Students will demonstrate interpersonal skills:
  • Students will demonstrate professionalism.
  • Students will collaborate within a teamwork setting.

Program Highlights

Keiser University’s Radiologic Technology program consists of two general education semesters followed by four core curriculum semesters for a total of six semesters or twenty-four months.  Keiser University conducts courses on a year round basis with scheduled breaks each year.  The Radiologic Technology curriculum is a sequence of core courses with three start times per year; Winter, Summer and Fall semesters. Students accepted into the Radiologic Technology Program are required to successfully complete all general education courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to entering the Radiologic Technology core component.  Students that do not meet this requirement will not be permitted to enter the Radiologic Technology Program. The Radiologic Technology core component is designed in a sequential manner in that each program course is a prerequisite for the subsequent program course offered; therefore, successful completion of each course in sequential order is a requirement for progression throughout the program.

Clinical Education

Clinical Education is an integral part of the curriculum of the Radiology Technology program. The program affiliates with a variety of clinical sites geographically dispersed throughout the surrounding area (for locations of the program’s JRCERT recognized clinical affiliates refer to , type in campus of interest. The clinical education component will consist of forty-hour weeks in an assigned facility for supervised practice of acquired knowledge and skills. Clinical assignments may include day, evening, and weekend assignments. Expenses related to clinical education, including clinical education site requirements, travel and food are the responsibility of the student. Prior to clinical assignments students will be required to provide proof of health insurance, along with health records reflecting immunizations, titers and lab tests (TB test, MMR, Varicella, Tetanus, Hepatitis B). The student will also be required to complete specific instruction and training for: CPR certification, OSHA/HIV, HIPAA and other field related areas the Program and University deem necessary. It is also recommended the student receive the Hepatitis B vaccine. Flu immunization is required by some clinical education sites.

Prerequisites for Major Courses

  • Background check and drug screening when applicable;
  • Minimum grade of “C” for general education courses;
  • Cumulative grade average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.

Program Outline

To receive an Associate of Science degree in Radiologic Technology, students must earn a total of 90.0 credit hours.

Each major course is a prerequisite for the subsequent course and therefore must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” in order to proceed successfully through the program.

Program requirements are as follows:

Lower Division Courses

Radiologic Technology Major Courses (64.0 credit hours)
Introduction to Radiologic Technology 5.0 credit hours
Radiologic Imaging 5.0 credit hours
Radiologic Science I 5.0 credit hours
Radiologic Science II 5.0 credit hours
Radiologic Procedures I 4.0 credit hours
Radiologic Procedures II 4.0 credit hours
Radiologic Procedures III 4.0 credit hours
Radiologic Procedures IV 4.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation I 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation Ia 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation II 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation IIa 3.0 credit hours
Advanced Radiologic Imaging I 5.0 credit hours
Advanced Pathophysiologic Imaging 5.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation III 3.0 credit hours
Clinical Rotation IIIa 3.0 credit hours

Program Effectiveness Data for JRCERT Accredited Programs

Click on the campus link below to view the program’s 1st attempt pass rate, job placement and student retention rates.

State Licensure Disclosure

Radiologic Technology Programs Accreditation Statuses

Click on the appropriate campus below to see the accreditation statement of each Keiser University Radiologic Technology program:

The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by USDE and CHEA for the radiologic sciences.

Visit for more information.

The accreditation status of the Radiologic Technology program is published on the Accreditation page of the University website and may be viewed by clicking here. This information is also published in the University Catalog which may be accessed by clicking here.


Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Justin Pugh

Left Quote My instructors believed in me. They were more than instructors, they tried to get to know you as a person and tried to understand your goals so they could push you towards them. Student services helped me find a job before I even graduated. Everyone was dedicated to my overall success. Right Quote

Jessica Kircher

Left Quote The instructors at Keiser University impacted my life. They believed in my ability to become a great graphic designer, regardless of how I felt about my skills. KU helped to prepare me for the real world and got me to where I am today. Right Quote

Ryan Bushey